Fast Food Killers 1/5

How eating fast food will kill you

#1 Cheeseburgers and fries

There's very little about a cheeseburger that's nutritionally sound. 1st, the bun's highly processed white flour. 2nd, the meat's high in fat and often integrated with fillers. 3rd, the cheese is so processed, mainly oil and saturated fat. Remove them from your diet and you'll feel better and lose weight because you won't be filling your body with those meat fillers and extra sugar. 

Potatoes contain simple sugars that are rapidly converted to glucose and raise insulin levels. When mixed with the oils during deep frying they pick up unhealthy fats and get topped with liberal amounts of salt! French fries are often considered the worst fast food of all because you consume so many of them and they quickly lead to weight gain and risks for everything from diabetes to certain types of cancers.